Letter of Inquiry
Submission Guidelines for a Letter of Inquiry
[Are you an academic seeking funding for research related to depolarization and civil discourse? Instead of using our LOI guidelines below, please visit our Research Grant Requests page].
Civic Health Project awards grants twice a year (August and February), and we generally do not accept unsolicited funding proposals. If you have an organization, program, or project that you believe Civic Health Project should have on its grantmaking radar, please submit a brief Letter of Inquiry (LOI) to info@civichealthproject.org.
LOIs are reviewed on an ongoing basis, and we will contact you if your letter results in an invitation to submit a full funding proposal or a request for additional information.
The Letter of Inquiry should be 1-2 pages, and should include the following:
- Organization Name
- Executive Director and Key Contact Person (if not Executive Director)
- Organization’s Federal tax-exempt number (if applicable)
- Mailing address, Phone, Website Address, Key Contact Person’s email address
- Brief organization description
- Description of the proposed funding need and how it fits into the larger strategic plan of your organization. Description should identify the target population to be served, the total number to be served during the grant period, and the outcomes sought / expected.
- Organization’s history of success in managing and completing similar projects.
- Amount sought from Civic Health Project (CHP grants typically range between $10,000 – $25,000, with larger grants awarded under special circumstances). If possible, please also include a description of other existing or desired funding sources.
- Total program budget (no line-item detail needed with LOI; program budget not needed for general operational funding requests).
- Total organizational budget (no line-item detail needed with LOI).
Our current grantmaking cycle operates according to these key dates:
- Rolling basis: We accept LOIs on a rolling basis; LOIs received before June 30, 2023 will be considered for our current grant round.
- July 17, 2023: Based on LOI review, we will invite some LOI submitters to submit a full grant proposal; in our current grant round, these invitations will go out no later than this July 17, 2023.
- August 7, 2023: To be considered for our current grant round, full grant proposals must be submitted to us no later than August 7, 2023.
- September 4, 2023: We will issue grant notifications for our current grant round no later than September 4, 2023.
We generally identify new grantee partners from within our network of contacts. Civic Health Project does not accept unsolicited proposals.If you have a program or project that you believe Civic Health Project should have on its radar, let us know about it through a letter of inquiry.