Katherine Cramer, Professor of Political Science
Natalie C. Holton Chair of Letters & Science University of Wisconsin, Madison
Katherine Cramer is a Professor of Political Science and Natalie C. Holton Chair of Letters & Science at UW Madison. During the 2018-2019 academic year she is a Visiting Professor with the Laboratory for Social Machines at the MIT Media Lab. She is known for her innovative approach to the study of public opinion, in which she uses methods like inviting herself into the conversations of groups of people to listen to the way they understand public affairs. Her award-winning book, The Politics of Resentment: Rural Consciousness in Wisconsin and the Rise of Scott Walker, brought to light rural resentment toward cities and its implications for contemporary politics. She is also the author (as Katherine Cramer Walsh) of Talking about Race: Community Dialogues and the Politics of Difference and Talking about Politics: Informal Groups and Social Identity in American Life.